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Submit an Entry

Marketplace is a quarterly journal of poetry, prose and visual art. We are currently a digital journal and a non paying market. With your support we hope to pay our contributors soon.

Please adhere to the following guidelines to submit an entry:


  1. We are accepting submissions until 15th May, 2021. For our fourth issue of Marketplace, the theme is “Lines”. The theme is open to your interpretation and we are excited to read what you come up with.
    This month, all entries (poetry/prose/photography/visual art) will have to adhere to this theme. Unthemed submissions will be left unread

  2. We currently accept prose (upto 600 words, fiction/non fiction creative), poetry (upto 40 lines and in English or Hindustani), visual art - photography, illustrations and comics.

  3. Please upload only pdf, docx, jpeg or png formats only. Please use a legible font, and start every new piece on a new page. (Incase of poetry/prose)
    Regardless of the nature of the entry, please title your piece and add it to the titles option. Separate multiple titles with a semicolon. (;)

  4. A maximum of one submission is allowed per person each month. Add a personal bio upto 30-40 words in the bio column. This will be used in case your entry is selected for publishing.

  5. We prefer previously unpublished work but are happy to publish work which has appeared elsewhere before. We ask only for one time rights to publish your work. The rights of all your works revert back to you.

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